Episode 1: The face of the woman in debt
In this film, actual mothers of the Project 85’s brazilian members, expand the disgraced face of Helena Failure and enact the misfortunes that tackled her life. We follow her path from the democratic aperture in Brazil, her success on the job market to her financial and subjective decay. As the final outcome of this one life (or ten lives), we see an urban legend of a phantasmic woman who drives a cheap silver car and is willing to help brazilian women in debt, cursing against her own life.
In 2016, the film was selected to the Focus Exhibit at the Tiradentes’ Cinema Festival, to the Pirenópolis’ Documentary Festival, aside from winning the best short-film award the the Filme Livre Exhibit.
Renato Sircilli / Rodrigo Batista
Amélia Lopes / Maria Emilia Alcebíades / Maria Cecilia Amendola Faganello / Margareth de Gouveia / Marilena Pimentel / Meire Vieira Wanderley / Silvia Vidor / Solange Id / Sônia Maria da Silva Dias (em memória) / Suzana Valeria
Aparecido Faganello
Liliana Junqueira
Paulo Barcellos
Director of photography
Adriana Hipolito Serafim
Assistant of photographer
Bruno Moreno
Boom operator
Clara Lazarim
Set designer
Juliana Jucá
Olivia Patto / Renan Salvetti